The following quotations are from:

Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, pp. 112-134.

“Of course, [Eichmann] did not expect the Jews to share the general enthusiasm over their destruction, but he did expect more than compliance, he expected—and received, to a truly extraordinary degree—their cooperation. This was ‘of course the very cornerstone’ of everything he did, as it had been the very cornerstone of his activities in Vienna. Without Jewish help in administrative and police work—the final rounding up of Jews in Berlin was, as I have mentioned, done entirely by Jewish police—there would have been either complete chaos or an impossibly severe drain on German manpower. (‘There can be no doubt that, without the cooperation of the victims, it would hardly have been possible for a few thousand people, most of them, moreover, worked in offices, to liquidate many hundreds of thousands of other people… Over the whole way to their deaths the Polish Jews got to see hardly more than a handful of Germans.’… Hence, the establishing of Quisling governments in occupied territories was always accompanied by the organization of a central Jewish office, and, as we shall see later, where the Nazis did not succeed in setting up a puppet government, they also failed to enlist the cooperation of the Jews. But whereas the members of the Quisling governments were usually taken from the opposition parties, the members of the Jewish Councils were as a rule the locally recognized Jewish leaders, to whom the Nazis gave enormous powers—until they, too, were deported, to Theresienstadt or Bergan-Belsen, if they happened to be from Central or western Europe, to Auschwitz if they were from an Eastern European community.” 117

“the less ‘prominent’ Jews were constantly sacrificed to those whose disappearance in the East would create unpleasant inquiries.” 133