The following quotations are from:

José Carlos Mariátegui, “Mexico and the Revolution,” An Anthology, pp. 451-454.

“The Obregon government has taken a resolute step toward satisfying one of the deepest desires of the revolution: it has given land to the poor peasants. A collectivist regime has flourished under its protection in the state of Yucatan. Its prudent and well-organized policies have normalized Mexican life, and it has persuaded the United States to recognize the Mexican regime.

                  But the most revolutionary and transcendent activity of the Obregón government has been its work in education. José Vasconcelos, one of the most outstanding men in modern Latin America, has led an extensive and radical reform of public education. He has used the most original methods to decrease illiteracy; he has opened up the universities to the poorer classes; he has spread the works of Tolstoy and Romain Rolland to all the schools and libraries like a modern evangelist; he has incorporated into the Law of Public Education the state’s obligation to support and educate orphans and the children of the disabled; and he has sown the immense and fertile lands of Mexico with schools, books, and ideas.” 454