The following quotations are from:

La Paperson, A Third University is Possible 

“The third world university breaks faith from its own machinery.” 37

“It is not analogous power but technologies of power that recirculate in these imperial triangles, for example, debt financing, neoliberal market policies, information systems, managing noncitizen populations, land development.” 38

“We become educated by becoming indebted.” 38

“The rhetoric of college-for-all has redirected public attention away from resolving issues of poverty and toward speculating on test scores.” 39

“After mortgages, student loans are the largest form of debt now in the United States.” 39

“At least ideologically, the second world university is committed to the transformation of society through critique, through a deconstruction of systems of power, and in this way offers fundamental analyses for any third world university curriculum. Yet its hidden curriculum reflects the material conditions of higher education—fees, degrees, expertise, and the presumed emancipatory possibilities of the mind—and reinscribes academic accumulation.” 41-42

“One of the tautological traps of the second world university is mistaking its personalized pedagogy of self-actualization for decolonial transformation. When people say ‘another university is possible,’ they are more precisely saying that ‘a second university is possible,’ and they are often imagining second world utopias, where the professor ceases to profess, where hierarchies disappear, where all personal knowledges are special, and, in other words, none are. Their assumption is that people will ‘naturally’ produce freedom, and freedom’s doppelganger is critical consciousness. They are rarely talking about a university that rematriates land, that disciplines scholar-warriors rather than ‘liberating’ its students, that repurposes the industrial machinery, that supports insurrectionary nationalisms as problematic antidotes to imperialist nationalism, that acts upon financial systems rather than just critiquing them, that helps in the accumulation of third world power rather than simply disavowing first world power, that is a school-to-community pipeline, not a community-to-school pipeline. In short, ‘another university is possible,’ so far, hasn’t made possible a third world university.” 42

“Like Third Cinema, the third world university ‘does not simply incorporate or quote these sources, but actively reinvents them through their appropriations… to synthesize these disparate sources into not only a coherent discourse but a far-reaching, transformative radical project.’ It is part of the machinery of the university, a part that works by breaking down and producing counters to the first and second machineries. As a strategic reassemblage of first world parts, it is not a decolonized university but a decolonizing one.” 44

“…we call forth a contingent collaboration across all these efforts—a transnational, multicampus, multiscalar self-awareness. It is an AI emerging. The analytic work here is to consider how the third world university emerges out of the first, in our respective locations. The political work is to reassemble our efforts with a decolonizing spirit and an explicit commitment to decolonization that can be the basis of transnational collaborations and transhistorical endurance.” 46